Non Profit Donation
Scholarship Funds, Research and Development
We have a three part mission: Training and Education, Clinical Programming to treat mental health, and Research. Our hope is to increase access both to members of underserrved communities and to first responders, due to historical barriers for these populations accessing treatment or training.
If you are in a position to make a tax-deductible donation to further our work, the following dedicated funds are available. We are transparent with our donors about how funds are used, and we will earmark your donation for the service you prefer to support. Thank you in advance for your generosity in helping us expand access to these types of healing.
Corporation Type: 501c3
Tax Deductible? Yes
Mission 1: Education and Training
Mission 2: Mental Health Treatment
Mission 3: Research
BIPOC Training Scholarships
We provide free access our full Level One video didactic curriculum for members of BIPOC communities. Donation to this fund will directly go to scholarships to allow BIPOC therapists to attend higher level, experiential trainings through our certificate program.
First Responder Therapist Trainings
Because of the high level of trauma and mental health disabitiy suffered by the first responder population and the challenges this population has accessing care, this scholarship funds therapists who can demonstrate that they work specifically with this population.
Clinical Treatment for BIPOC Clients
Many of our clinical offerings are expensive to provide and unfortunately still not covered by insurance. If you would like to subsidize treatment for clients from underserved populations, this fund is dedicated to that. You are welcome to earmark your donation for one of the following treatment tracks:
1. Fasting retreats
2. Psychedelic-assisted Psychotherapy
3. Nature Connection Programming
Clinical Treatment for First Responders
Many of our clinical offerings are expensive to provide and unfortunately still not covered by insurance. If you would like to subsidize treatment for first responders, , this fund is dedicated to that. You are welcome to earmark your donation for one of the following treatment tracks:
1. Fasting retreats
2. Psychedelic-assisted Psychotherapy
3. Nature Connection Programming
We have two clinical research projects underway in the field of Pyschedelic- Assisted Psychotherapy. Donation would help us increase the scope and pace of these studies. Details on our current projects and funding needs can be requested at
Donation without Allocation
If you prefer to donate to the non profit with the understanding that we will allocate to the above funds as needed and at our discretion, we will disperse the funding and communicate with you tranparently about its use.

Further information will be added to our site in coming months and is available now upon request, including FAQs to address administrative fees, transparency, and details on the programs themselves. Contact us at for a copy of this information now.